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Email alert form

Get an email alert when we're organizing a delivery to your area

If you don't live in one of our regular delivery areas, email us to inquire about setting up a one-off special delivery.

Thanks! We'll let you know when we're deliving in your area


Due to the cost of materials to ship frozen meat we are currently only focusing on delivery


Right now we organize delivery dates on an ad hoc basis. Farming, the butcher's schedule, etc. requires us to be flexible so we cannot set a regular delivery routine. If an order comes in, we will try our hardest to encourage others in the same area to also order, so we can set the delivery date as soon as possible. If you'd like to enjoy some of our grass fed beef, free-range poulty, or pastured pork, follow us via social media (@girlgonefarmer on Instagram) or subscribe to our email alerts to know when we are arranging a delivery in your area (you will only receive emails specific to your area).

We regularly provide delivery to the following areas:

Ottawa / Arnprior / Smith falls / Perth - approximately once a month as demand dictates


Oshawa / Markham / Toronto approximately once a month as demand dictates


Peterborough / Lindsay / Lakefield / Norwood / Belleville / Cobourg / Port Hope / Newcastle - approximately every two weeks



Special Delivery Request

If you don't live in one of our regular delivery areas, we may be able to arrange a special one-off delivery to you. We may need you to meet us half way, or arrange a large group order, etc. We're always willing to work with our customers.

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